Latvians does not believe that it is possible to stop the emigration


Most of the population of Latvia does not believe that it is possible to stop the emigration of the population from the country. According to a survey conducted by the Kantar TNS agency, 73% of respondents were confident that Latvians would continue to leave the country in search of a better life

According to the existing information, only 21% of the respondents in Latvia believe that the authorities will be able to stop the population decline. 6% could not give a specific answer on this issue at all. But the rest of the respondents were pessimistic enough. As Kaspars Gerhards, Minister of Environment and Regional Development, said last week, only 5-6 families returned to Latvia as part of the re-emigration project.

But according to him, about 600 families are ready to return to their homeland. And twenty of them will come already in the near future. As Minister Gerhards has told, thoughts on necessity to return arise at the certain moment. For example, when a child needs to go to a kindergarten or school. That time the family has to get the answers if they will be able to return to their native place, if the child will be able to learn and the parents will find jobs and what is waiting for them there. People are interested in specific services in a certain place.