An European Parliament deputy from Latvia recognized the March 16 march as Nazi


Sandra Kalniete, a European Parliament deputy from Latvia recognized the March 16 march as Nazi and said that in a free country like Latvia, no one would be imprisoned for expressing opinions

“Today, Latvia is an independent, free and democratic state, where all people, no matter whether their views are communist or even Nazi, – what we see at the monument on March 16, – they can afford to express themselves, and will not be jailed for it. And it differs from Russia and Belarus “, – said Kalniete on the program Panorama on LTV.

The words of Kalniete caused a storm of indignation among the representatives of the National Association, who regularly participate in the march on March 16. In particular, Janis Dombrava said that Kalniete had lost touch with reality and was unworthy to represent Latvia in the European Parliament, where she is running for a new term.

The march of the participants of the Latvian Legion Waffen SS and their supporters takes place in Riga every year. It causes discontent and indignation of anti-fascist organizations all over the world. The Russian Federation considers the march of SS legionnaires in Latvia a shame. Earlier, the authorized representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on human rights, democracy and the rule of law, Konstantin Dolgov, said that the permission of the Latvian authorities to march veterans of the SS contradicts international law and the decisions of the Nürnberg Tribunal.

The new Prime Minister of Latvia, Krisjanis Karins, on the eve of the march called on members of the government not to participate in this event. “I urge those ministers who want to honor their memory on March 16 to do this not at the Freedom Monument, but at the Lestene Brethren Cemetery,” said Karins.

None of the ministers came to the march, but the following public figures were noticed there – Karinsh’s adviser on demography Imants Paradnieks and other representatives of the association “All for Latvia” – “Tevzemei un Brivibai” / DNNL, VL-TB / DNNL – Raivis Dzintars, Janis Jesalnieks, Alexander Kirshteins and Edvins Shnore.