During the military exercises in Adazi, occurred the fire


During the military exercises in Adazi, a fire occurred; the column of smoke rises to a kilometer. Firefighters and the military were extinguishing an extensive fire for more that 24 hours, the fire managed to escape from the previously localized territory of 300 hectares.

Now all those involved in fighting against the fire will once again throw all their forces into its localization. The fire is extinguished also with the help of a helicopter of the National Armed Forces, which can drop down about three tons of water at once. “Now the main thing is to stop further spreading of the fire and to put out the fire. The information about how much and what was burned can be provided only after it has been completely extinguished,” said head of the Department of Forest and Environmental Protection Zigmund Jaunkikis. The fire on the landfill arose on Sunday, its causes are not yet established. “This is a military training ground, closed to people. Training here is regular. This cannot be confirmed, but there is a possibility that the fire has arisen during the exercises,” said Jaunkikis