The American comedy show Saturday Night Live devoted its release to the meeting of the US president with the leaders of the Baltic countries.


In this issue of the parody show, the leaders of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia arrived to meet with US presidents D.Trump to ask for their funding or protection from Russia. However, the US president was frankly bored and even fell asleep, then waking up mad a remark about the strange hairstyle of the Lithuanian president Dalya Grybauskaite, who was also called by him “a gypsy woman”. Further, there was a press conference with journalists absolutely ignoring the representatives of the Baltic States, where they discussed issues relating exclusively to the problems of America in a rather satirical manner. “Trump”, which is traditionally portrayed by actor Alec Baldwin, called Latvia “Stankonia”, and “President Veyonis” (Alex Moffat) – Borat (the hero of a parody film about Kazakhstan). The President of Latvia Vejonis made his speech in awful English. And the president of Estonia Kersti Kaljulajd was constanty silent.