The State Chancellery organized awareness trainings for top-level officials to “wake up,” “find themselves,” and learn “meditative body scan.”


The courses were attended by the heads and deputy heads of twenty state institutions. They were trained by theologians from the Institute of Integral Education and representatives of the center of knowledge, rehabilitation and culture.
The course “Training awareness for managers” costs 660 euros, excluding VAT, for one participant only. It includes classes once a week for 4.5 hours, and the price includes a coffee break.
“The budget included spending on awareness training in the amount of no more than 6,600 euros without VAT, the service included training for two groups of high-level managers lasting at least 16 hours,” said Sabine Spurke, a representative of the State Chancellery.
During the course, state officials mastered a wide range of skills – starting with the basic principles of meditation and awareness and ending with the phenomena and crises associated with meditative practices and the methods of their resolution. They were trained in the technique of awareness and the methods of “finding oneself” and “awakening”.
To the request to explain what the heads of state institutions learned at the trainings, the Deputy Director of the State Chancellery, Baiba Medvecka, replied:
“We live in a fast-paced world rich in information. At the same time, diversity of opinions is becoming increasingly important, and the government should understood as involving different target groups in business policy making and in making decisions – entrepreneurs, non-governmental and social partners, residents.”
According to her, lectures and practices of mindfulness allow people to change their thinking, to move away from the “correct” – often categorical – opinions towards openness and perception of a wider context.
“I think that we, the public administration employees, should do everything so that service recipients feel that they are really listened to and, when making decisions, rely on a wider context, thinking about future prospects,” Medvecka explained.
“And it cannot be denied that it is in the interests of every citizen that decision-making is in the hands of an open leader, willing to cooperate,” said Medvecka, who considers training to be a contribution to the common good.