President of Latvia Raymond Vejonis will meet with the candidate for the post of Prime Minister Aldis Gobzems


As Gobzems wrote in his Facebook profile, he would inform the head of state of three options for the development of the situation, and none of them was mentioned in the press over the past weekend. As Gobzems noted, “this would be one of the most interesting days in his life.”

The candidate for premiere also stressed out that he would go to Veyonis “not with a white flag”, but with concrete and interesting proposals, and three at once.

As it was reported, Gobzems withdrew his initial proposal on the possible composition of the Cabinet of Ministers and in the coming days will offer the parties to support “the government formed from non-partisan professionals.”

By this step, Gobzems proposes to reduce the number of ministers in the government and returns to pre-election promises, rejecting the compromises reached after the elections. Before the elections, KPV LV promised to reduce the number of ministers to six, he explained.

The remaining parties did not support the Gobzems plan.

KPV LV leader Artus Kaimins requested to convene a board meeting on Friday, but then an agreement was reached on Monday. At the meeting, Gobzems will have to clarify his proposal for a “government of professionals.”

Earlier, Kaimins said that he considered the model of the government with non-party ministers unacceptable, as this would strengthen the role of the “Consent” in decision-making.