The government supported to ensure the program of buying the first housing.


Additional 2.1 million euros are allocated to ensure the program of buying the first housing, decided on Tuesday the Cabinet. According to the Ministry of Economy, as of August 17, 2018, a total of 9,177 guarantees were issued to families with children for the construction or purchase of housing for a total of 64,310,898 euros.

In the past three months, the amount of guarantees is an average of 2.1-2.2 million euros per month, and assuming that such rates continue, with the current funding, the program can be implemented until September 2018, the Ministry of Economics explains.

To ensure the program’s operation in the last three months of this year, an additional amount of at least 2.1 million euros is needed.

The government supported the proposal of the Ministry of Economy to increase the reserve capital of the Financial Development Institution “Altum” JSC for financing a program for supporting the purchase of housing by 2 112 000 euros.

The program of guarantees for the purchase of housing has been in effect since January 2015, it involves five banks. From 1 January to 30 June 2018, families with children were issued 1479 guarantees for a total of 11 million euros.