Latvians does not make any savings for old age


A new survey conducted in Latvia among the residents aged 22 to 35, revealed interesting facts. According to the survey, the majority, 45.2% of respondents, does not make any savings for old age.

32% of the respondents answered that they were making pension contributions according to the program of mandatory state contributions to the pension fund.

And only 11.2% of the respondents make conscious regular contributions.

However, 11% of respondents have not yet decided on the answer.

Further, the survey showed that 44% of respondents do not plan their expenses at all. 31% plan for a period of about 3 months, 12.6 plan their finances for 12 months ahead and only 2.6 confess that they plan their finances for a period of 3 to 5 years in advance.

The question posed to the respondents about whether they would agree monthly to make additional contribution to the pension fund in the amount of 50 euros, in order to have an increased pension in old age, was answered negatively by the majority of respondents, namely 69%.