In 2017, Latvia was the third in the EU regarding the reduction of population


According to Eurostat: in 2017, Latvia was the third in the EU regarding the reduction of population

Last year, the population decline in Latvia was the third largest in the EU, according to Eurostat.

In 2017, the number of inhabitants of Latvia per 1000 people decreased by 8.1. Most of all, the number of Lithuanian residents decreased – by 13.8 and Croatia – by 11.8 per 1000.

The population of the country decreased last year in Bulgaria (-7.3 per 1000 people), Romania (-6.2), Greece (-2.7), Hungary (-2), Portugal (-1.8) and Italy (-1.7).

In nine EU countries, the number of residents in 2017 declined, in 19 countries it increased.

The highest increase in the number of residents was in Malta (+32.7 per 1000 people). In Luxembourg, the increase was 19, in Sweden – 12.4, in Ireland – 11.2, in Cyprus – 11.

In Estonia, the number of residents last year increased by 2.7 per 1000.

In the EU, on average, this figure was 2.1.

In the EU, the number of deaths last year exceeded the number of births, so that the increase in the number of residents was achieved through immigration.