Latvian software testing company is one of the bests


The Latvian software testing company TestDevLab developed the solution, which became the finalist of the contest for the 2017 The European Software Testing Awards in the category Best Mobile Testing Project. As the head of the department of public relations of the enterprise Kristap Skutelis said, reaching the final meant that experts rated as a useful and well-developed product. Within 48 hours allows in simple and understandable form to receive a professionally issued report on the errors found in applications, which helps their developers to create better products.’s solution is available to customers this year, but many of accelerators of new businesses are already included in the number of its customers in Latvia and abroad. TestDevLab clients include Skype, Microsoft, Twilio, Libon, Latvenergo, several Latvian banks and many other enterprises.

The enterprise TestDevLab was established in November 2011 and belongs in equal shares to Andrey Frishfelds and Erwin Greenfelds. In 2016, its turnover amounted to 3.09 million euros – it’s by 31.3% more than in 2015, but the profit decreased by 39.4% – to 441,137 thousand euros.