In connection with the repair of the public transport stops in Riga from 22 to 26 August the authorities will restrict the movement of vehicles


In connection with the repair of the public transport stops in Riga from 22 to 26 August the authorities will restrict the movement of vehicles along the street Kr. Valdemara near the public transport station “Boulevard of Zigfrid Anna Mejerovic”, informs the Riga City Council.

Companies carrying out work must install road signs and move public transport stops. During the repair work, the permissible noise level may be exceeded.

In addition, in connection with the restructuring of the streets of Ata, Augsiela and Vagonu, from 21 to 24 August, traffic will be closed at the part of Vagonu Street from Pernavas Street to 36 Vagonu Street. During operation, the permissible noise level may be exceeded.