More than half of the people enrolled in the military courses for reservists


The commander of the National Armed Forces Lieutenant-General Leonids Kalnins said that the pilot project, in the framework of which 42 voluntarily registered Latvians would receive basic military training, started relatively successfully. “More than half of the people who applied” appeared to take part in the exercises, which would last a month,  Kalnins said.

Out of 42 volunteers, seven are women. After passing the basic training course, all of them will be enlisted in the soldiers of the reserve of the Latvian army. The training course was organized at the infantry school in Aluksne. Reservists will take part in the military exercises Namejs 2018 in the mechanized infantry brigade after completion of their training. This year it is planned to train up to 50 reservists. Until July 1, citizens of Latvia aged 18 to 50 who had at least basic education and who knew state language at an average level could apply for the course. 97 reservists filed applications. The reserve of National Armed Forces are military-stock reserves and reservists. The military reserves are citizens of Latvia who serve in the reserve of the NAF, and the reservists are people with Latvian citizenship both men and women who have reached the age of 18 and are fit for military service.