Poland plan to build its own gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea


Poland, which opposes the construction of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany, intends to build the gas pipeline on the bottom of the Baltic Sea itself.

The Baltic Pipe will go from the Polish coast to Denmark and will allow the state-owned Polish gas transportation company Gaz-System to connect to the Norwegian gas pipeline network, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper writes.

The Polish energy concern PGNiG in late 2017 reserved the capacity of this gas pipeline for 15 years, the newspaper notes. A branch of the gas pipeline with a throughput of 10 billion cubic meters per year totaling to $ 2 billion should be put into operation in 2022. It will reach the Polish coast near the town of Swinoujscie, where the liquefied gas terminal is also located.

Gaz-System, according to its own data, asked the Polish government for permission to build and identified a kilometer corridor in the coastal zone, along which it is planned to build a gas pipeline. The final decision on construction should be made in 2018.